+ 165

London 10K approx

Rota de Corrida

6,32 mi
551 pés
Takes in a few sights - SIS, Palace of Westminster, Big Ben, Whitehall
Criado por
Strava Athlete

Rota e elevação


NomeDistânciaDif. de elev.Inclinação média
Waterloo Bridge to Westminster Bridge0,68 mi39 pés0,2%
Waterloo Bridge to Ministry Of Defence0,41 mi39 pés0,9%
Waterloo to Westminster sprint0,53 mi-43 pés-0,1%
Embankment Bridge to RAF Memorial0,14 mi-16 pés-1,6%
Westminster Bridge dodge the tourists0,16 mi-30 pés-1,4%
Westminster Bridge Sprint0,16 mi-26 pés-1,0%
Lambeth Bridge to Vauxhall Metropolis0,53 mi0 pé0,0%
Vauxhall Bridge 0,24 mi-52 pés-0,1%
Vauxhall Bridge0,25 mi33 pés0,7%
Vauxhall Bridge South0,17 mi30 pés1,8%
Vauxhall Bridge to Lambeth Bridge (north)0,46 mi69 pés1,4%
Vauxhall to Lambeth Bridge0,48 mi66 pés1,2%
Milbank south0,46 mi69 pés1,3%
B Bridge to WM Palace0,85 mi66 pés0,2%
Millbank Tate to Victoria0,64 mi66 pés0,3%
Vauxhall to Parliment Sq0,86 mi72 pés0,2%
Between the Bridges to the Palace0,82 mi72 pés0,3%
Millbank (Lambeth Bridge to Big Ben)0,42 mi-39 pés-1,0%
Westminster Steeplechase 0,23 mi20 pés0,4%
Parliament to Trafalgar0,38 mi23 pés0,3%
Whitehall dodge the Downing St Tourists0,33 mi-26 pés-0,3%
British 10K home straight0,07 mi7 pés2,0%
Savoy Way Climb0,39 mi157 pés7,5%