Mount Adams Country Bike Tour - Forest Route Loop

Ruta ciclista

53,45 mi
4.151 ft
From Trout Lake, climb 14.5 miles (2,000’ gain), including a short 10% incline and then a long ride down, with waterfalls, creeks, eagles and all the majesty this special country provides. From there, a 10 mile climb up to Big Tire Junction and then on to a downhill you will never forget, back to Trout Lake, (3,800’ gain). Note as of summer 2018, Forest Route 88 is block to vehicles due to two large washouts. These are passable on foot (approximately 20 feet), but are not ridable. In addition to these washouts, there are three short gravel sections on FS 23. Additionally FS 90, is paved, but in poor condition.
Creada por
Dalton Hance

Ruta y desnivel


NombreDistanciaDiferencia de desnivelPendiente media
Chevron to Randle Split1,31 mi69 ft0,9 %
G-Pinch NF23 climb11,86 mi1.768 ft2,8 %
NF 23 Climb 11,61 mi410 ft4,8 %
NF 23 Climb 21,10 mi295 ft5,1 %
NF 23 Climb 32,36 mi502 ft4,0 %
Now You are Gonna Wanna Take the NF-88 to NF-150.5,31 mi1.145 ft4,1 %
NF 88 Climb 11,66 mi367 ft4,2 %
NF 88 Climb 21,91 mi472 ft4,7 %
NF 88 Climb 31,36 mi266 ft3,7 %
G-Pinch NF88 descent13,09 mi-1611 ft-2,3 %
Back to town10,07 mi-1453 ft-2,7 %
FR88 descent6,06 mi-1263 ft-3,9 %