Hilly 26.3km ride, 205m gain


26,3 km
205 m
Tough 26.3km ride out with the Doit, Wigwam hill, Thelnetham climb and the tough Hinderclay hill.
Erstellt von
Alfie B

Route und Höhe


Botesdale Beast0,36 km6 m0,5 %
Redgrave Full Climb0,99 km18 m1,7 %
Redgrave Road Race0,54 km14 m2,6 %
Past the church3,02 km21 m0,2 %
Freezing Hill0,48 km13 m2,0 %
False Flats, Headwinds and Rain: Redgrave RR 2013 3,87 km12 m0,1 %
Thelnetham climb0,53 km16 m2,8 %
Hinderclay to Rickinghall climbs3,09 km-21 m-0,1 %
Climb to Rickinghall0,97 km21 m1,9 %