Summer Route 13 - The Miley Reverse (Short)


4,19 mi
348 ft
Over to Hawkhill, down the steps to Blinshall Street across the roundabout, left up Lochee Road, up the steps into Dudhope opposite Magnet, straight up through Dudhope past skatepark and tennis courts. Exit north and head up Inverlaw Place, left on to Albany Terrace, right up Lawside Road, right on to Loons Road, cont. on to Brantwood Ave and on to Johnston Ave. Left on Clepington Road, left down the Miley reserve, right Loons Road, left Logie Street, right up City Road. Continue on to Milnbank Road, right Rosefield Street, left Blackness Road, down Bellfield Street and back to Uni.
Gemaakt door
DRR Tuesday Routes

Route en hoogte


NaamAfstandHoogteverschilGem. Helling
Tennis Court Hill0,07 mi62 ft15,7%
Johnston Run0,49 mi-16 ft-0,6%
Miley North to South0,65 mi-36 ft-0,7%
Miley South0,66 mi-36 ft-0,7%
Rosefield St0,12 mi30 ft4,6%