+ 2

Out South Lyon back Kensington Rd


22.26 英里
620 呎
Route out from dumpster lot on South Lyon trail and back in through Kensington Rd
David Le Clear



Rollerski interval from standing stop just off Kent Lake Rd to fire hydrant just before Martindale Rd.0.75 英里92 呎2.2%
Garbage Mountain Climb EB1.52 英里141 呎1.7%
Partial Garbage0.62 英里72 呎2.2%
Garbage Mountain Pre-Climb EB1.04 英里125 呎2.3%
SCIB HV EB Garbage Mtn Descent0.39 英里-52 呎-2.4%
SCIB HV EB I96 Sprint0.48 英里-20 呎-0.8%
HVTS SB [South Lyon to Grand River]4.35 英里46 呎0.0%
SCIB HV SB I96 Turn to Grand River0.34 英里0 呎0.0%
Huron Valley Trail - I-96 Bridge to Grand River Rd.0.40 英里-3 呎-0.1%
SCIB HV SB Grand River to Milford Rd0.37 英里0 呎0.0%
Huron Valley Trail - Grand River Rd. to Milford Rd.0.46 英里3 呎0.1%
SCIB HV SB Milford Rd to Martindale1.90 英里20 呎0.1%
Huron Valley Trail - Milford Rd. to 12 Mile Rd.1.57 英里20 呎0.1%
Huron Valley Trail - 12 Mile Rd. to 11 Mile Rd.0.95 英里10 呎0.1%
SCIB HV SB Martindale to 11 mile0.45 英里0 呎0.0%
Huron Valley Trail - 11 Mile Rd. to E Lake/10 Mile Rd0.93 英里-26 呎-0.3%
Nichwagh Lake Look0.82 英里13 呎0.0%
Rushton Sprint0.52 英里20 呎0.6%
Rushton to Marshall1.51 英里-49 呎-0.2%
Marshall to Silver Lake1.74 英里39 呎0.0%
Silver Lake Look0.70 英里33 呎0.4%
Silver Lake Climb0.26 英里33 呎1.4%
Doane Road Climb0.58 英里46 呎1.4%
Rushton Rd Climb0.47 英里322 呎12.9%
SCIB Rushton Outbound0.41 英里30 呎0.3%
Kensington Rd. - Silver Lake Rd. to ILRA Entrance1.12 英里-33 呎-0.1%
ILRA entrance0.23 英里33 呎2.5%
Dumpster Sprint0.68 英里43 呎1.1%
Dumpster Sprint to first parking lot0.18 英里20 呎2.1%