“Just” Cherokee Park Loop


39,34 mi
3.956 ft
This route originated from www.gravelgraceland.com head there to find more great Northern Colorado routes of all terrains and distances. Please respect the work and time that goes into great route creation and leave this origin post as you utilize, duplicate, and distribute these routes from Strava.
Gemaakt door
Zack Allison

Route en hoogte


NaamAfstandHoogteverschilGem. Helling
Harmon's climb2,02 mi656 ft6,2%
67J climb from 80C to 82E4,44 mi866 ft3,6%
Praire Divide Rd Climb1,96 mi597 ft5,7%
Cherokee Park Rocky Downhill3,87 mi-1.109 ft-5,4%
Cherokee Park Rd Climb0,87 mi269 ft5,8%