BQMarathonCoach's Salt Lake City Training Route for Boston

Ruta ciclista

22,2 mi
967 ft
An analogue Boston Marathon training route for Salt Lake City-area runners that simulates the elevation profile of the first 22+ miles – from Hopkinton to the top of Heartbreak Hill and down to Cleveland Circle! From Lewis Park in Woods Cross to The Circuit of Truth in Fairfield Meadows, this course will prepare you for Boston!
Creada por
Tim Decker | @tdecker2

Ruta y desnivel


NombreDistanciaDiferencia de desnivelPendiente media
Chase Lane to Jennings Lane0,87 mi36 ft0,6 %
Light to Light3,73 mi85 ft0,1 %
1450 N to City line1,05 mi-33 ft-0,5 %
Carrington Ln to 200 S2,72 mi98 ft0,3 %
1700 S to Glovers0,89 mi72 ft1,0 %
Bike Lane Needed - East Side riding North0,91 mi75 ft0,9 %
Woodland to Francisco's0,68 mi-59 ft-1,1 %
North Farmington Roller1,50 mi59 ft0,5 %
fairfield from crestwood to boynton0,41 mi10 ft0,4 %
Fairfield, Crestwood to Mutton Hollow Sprint0,82 mi16 ft0,3 %