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+ 48

FCC Freeport Loop 35

Ruta ciclística

34.16 mi
1,491 ft
Creada por
BH Nelson

Ruta y desnivel


NombreDistanciaDiferencia de altitudPendiente media
Sprint from the Shop0.54 mi-3 ft0.0 %
Back Cove North1.07 mi7 ft0.0 %
Ocean/Middle Northbound to Lunt2.90 mi95 ft0.1 %
Blind Drive0.76 mi69 ft1.6 %
Run to Lunt0.63 mi39 ft1.2 %
Middle Finger Dash0.48 mi7 ft0.0 %
tuttlw to rt 11.75 mi72 ft0.2 %
portland st. potholes hold on0.50 mi-26 ft-0.9 %
Grist Mill Hill0.17 mi66 ft7.2 %
Down Pratts "So Dum" Dip0.63 mi-131 ft-2.4 %
Old Country Road 0.32 mi92 ft5.4 %
Pine Street Dash1.40 mi-98 ft-0.6 %
Pine St Southbound Climb0.14 mi52 ft6.9 %
Home Bound (not to the Y)1.84 mi102 ft0.2 %
South Freeport Rd Kick0.52 mi62 ft2.2 %
Alt 88 Hill Sprint0.41 mi79 ft3.6 %
Pleasant Street Hill0.11 mi52 ft8.8 %
Pleasant street to Tuttle turnoff1.95 mi59 ft0.2 %
Foreside Road Climb0.26 mi85 ft6.1 %
Tuttle to White Rock2.31 mi59 ft0.1 %
Tuttle to End RT88 South (Tuttle to Fire Hydrant)4.72 mi-144 ft-0.3 %
top of Foreside Hill to Johnson Rd.2.29 mi-66 ft-0.4 %
Longmeadow to Depot South2.57 mi-128 ft-0.4 %
88 Punch South0.11 mi30 ft4.9 %
Official Jes ;)0.44 mi7 ft0.1 %
Veranda SW top to top 0.57 mi26 ft0.0 %
Scoop of Veranda Thai0.53 mi33 ft0.6 %
Blvd on Sundays1.02 mi-43 ft-0.3 %
Back Cove Boogie0.89 mi7 ft0.0 %
Sprint to the Shop0.60 mi-7 ft-0.2 %
Barrows 2 Belmeade Sprint0.41 mi3 ft0.0 %