+ 131

McInnis - PRS

Ruta ciclista

50,62 mi
2.669 ft
This route take Lucas Valley to Nicasio to PRS around Bear Valley to Olema and back on SFD to Lucas Valley.
Creada por
Laura M

Ruta y desnivel


NombreDistanciaDiferencia de desnivelPendiente media
LVR: Las Gallinas to Westgate 2,98 mi157 ft1,0 %
LVR - Miller Creek to Big Rock4,46 mi574 ft2,4 %
Bottom of Big Rock Hill to Summit0,93 mi384 ft7,8 %
Lower Big Rock0,43 mi190 ft8,1 %
Upper Big Rock0,42 mi184 ft8,1 %
Top Big Rock East to NVR4,83 mi-427 ft-1,6 %
Skywalker Gate to NVR2,35 mi-115 ft-0,9 %
Nicasio Town Limit Sprint0,46 mi-20 ft-0,8 %
Nicasio School House Sprint0,71 mi-39 ft-1,0 %
Pt Reyes-Pet., fast section3,85 mi-200 ft-0,6 %
Nicasio Dam to Platform Bridge Rd0,77 mi-125 ft-3,1 %
Platform Bridge to Hwy 1 Stop Sign3,03 mi69 ft0,0 %
Point Reyes-Petaluma Road Break Away1,30 mi98 ft1,1 %
Get it0,52 mi79 ft2,8 %
Point Reyes Station Roaster's Kicker Sprint0,15 mi49 ft6,1 %
Point Reyes Station Kicker Sprint II0,09 mi52 ft10,9 %
Bridge to Bear Valley Rd0,69 mi-7 ft-0,2 %
Pt Reyes station to olema TT1,76 mi52 ft0,5 %
Sir Francis Drake Blvd Climb0,74 mi13 ft0,3 %
Olema Hill (Olema side)1,10 mi315 ft5,3 %
The steepest part0,26 mi108 ft7,7 %
First Five5,01 mi315 ft0,3 %
Crest of Olema Hill to Platform Bridge Rd.0,78 mi-279 ft-6,7 %
downhill from Olema ridge0,54 mi-243 ft-8,5 %
Samuel Taylor State Park5,19 mi112 ft0,3 %
Tocaloma to SPT3,66 mi79 ft0,4 %
Tocaloma to Jewell1,45 mi16 ft0,2 %
Taylor Park to Lagunitas2,54 mi95 ft0,6 %
Sir Francis Drake Bridge to Bridge Eastbound1,26 mi52 ft0,5 %
Lagunitas-Two Bird TT1,97 mi79 ft0,7 %
NVR climb0,50 mi167 ft6,2 %
Dixon Ridge Descent to Fernwood Lane0,95 mi-190 ft-3,6 %
Chuck's 2nd Challenge0,26 mi69 ft4,8 %
sprint to lucas valley road turn1,78 mi-220 ft-2,3 %
Lucas Valley Rd Sprint1,08 mi-135 ft-2,4 %
NVR to Big Rock4,87 mi413 ft1,6 %
NVR to Skywalker Gate2,33 mi115 ft0,8 %
Dyrwal's Lucas Valley TT9,32 mi-545 ft-0,2 %
Rock Walker - Skywalker to Big Rock EB2,53 mi325 ft2,4 %
Lucas Valley Easbound, final mile to Rock1,05 mi213 ft3,8 %
Final push to Big Rock0,68 mi121 ft3,4 %
LVR last kicker 0,19 mi59 ft5,7 %
lucas twisties0,84 mi-358 ft-8,0 %
Big Rock to Wesgate Dr DH1,78 mi-436 ft-4,5 %
Lucas Valley, Big Rock to Miller Creek4,34 mi-528 ft-2,3 %
Catch the draft1,97 mi-207 ft-2,0 %
Big Rock to Bottom0,79 mi-46 ft-0,9 %
Denali to Sequeira1,53 mi-79 ft-1,0 %
Jordan's Sprint0,13 mi13 ft0,0 %
Last Effort0,91 mi-49 ft-1,1 %