+ 131

McInnis - PRS


50.62 mi
2,669 ft
This route take Lucas Valley to Nicasio to PRS around Bear Valley to Olema and back on SFD to Lucas Valley.
Laura M



LVR: Las Gallinas to Westgate 2.98 mi157 ft1.0%
LVR - Miller Creek to Big Rock4.46 mi574 ft2.4%
Bottom of Big Rock Hill to Summit0.93 mi384 ft7.8%
Lower Big Rock0.43 mi190 ft8.1%
Upper Big Rock0.42 mi184 ft8.1%
Top Big Rock East to NVR4.83 mi-427 ft-1.6%
Skywalker Gate to NVR2.35 mi-115 ft-0.9%
Nicasio Town Limit Sprint0.46 mi-20 ft-0.8%
Nicasio School House Sprint0.71 mi-39 ft-1.0%
Pt Reyes-Pet., fast section3.85 mi-200 ft-0.6%
Nicasio Dam to Platform Bridge Rd0.77 mi-125 ft-3.1%
Platform Bridge to Hwy 1 Stop Sign3.03 mi69 ft0.0%
Point Reyes-Petaluma Road Break Away1.30 mi98 ft1.1%
Get it0.52 mi79 ft2.8%
Point Reyes Station Roaster's Kicker Sprint0.15 mi49 ft6.1%
Point Reyes Station Kicker Sprint II0.09 mi52 ft10.9%
Bridge to Bear Valley Rd0.69 mi-7 ft-0.2%
Pt Reyes station to olema TT1.76 mi52 ft0.5%
Sir Francis Drake Blvd Climb0.74 mi13 ft0.3%
Olema Hill (Olema side)1.10 mi315 ft5.3%
The steepest part0.26 mi108 ft7.7%
First Five5.01 mi315 ft0.3%
Crest of Olema Hill to Platform Bridge Rd.0.78 mi-279 ft-6.7%
downhill from Olema ridge0.54 mi-243 ft-8.5%
Samuel Taylor State Park5.19 mi112 ft0.3%
Tocaloma to SPT3.66 mi79 ft0.4%
Tocaloma to Jewell1.45 mi16 ft0.2%
Taylor Park to Lagunitas2.54 mi95 ft0.6%
Sir Francis Drake Bridge to Bridge Eastbound1.26 mi52 ft0.5%
Lagunitas-Two Bird TT1.97 mi79 ft0.7%
NVR climb0.50 mi167 ft6.2%
Dixon Ridge Descent to Fernwood Lane0.95 mi-190 ft-3.6%
Chuck's 2nd Challenge0.26 mi69 ft4.8%
sprint to lucas valley road turn1.78 mi-220 ft-2.3%
Lucas Valley Rd Sprint1.08 mi-135 ft-2.4%
NVR to Big Rock4.87 mi413 ft1.6%
NVR to Skywalker Gate2.33 mi115 ft0.8%
Dyrwal's Lucas Valley TT9.32 mi-545 ft-0.2%
Rock Walker - Skywalker to Big Rock EB2.53 mi325 ft2.4%
Lucas Valley Easbound, final mile to Rock1.05 mi213 ft3.8%
Final push to Big Rock0.68 mi121 ft3.4%
LVR last kicker 0.19 mi59 ft5.7%
lucas twisties0.84 mi-358 ft-8.0%
Big Rock to Wesgate Dr DH1.78 mi-436 ft-4.5%
Lucas Valley, Big Rock to Miller Creek4.34 mi-528 ft-2.3%
Catch the draft1.97 mi-207 ft-2.0%
Big Rock to Bottom0.79 mi-46 ft-0.9%
Denali to Sequeira1.53 mi-79 ft-1.0%
Jordan's Sprint0.13 mi13 ft0.0%
Last Effort0.91 mi-49 ft-1.1%