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2024 BAC - MTB - Weave Basin Intermediate

Mountain Biking Trail

13.61 mi
1,693 ft
This Bigfoot Adventure Challenge route is an intermediate level challenge on the amazing Weaverville Basin Trail network. The rider can expect green and blue level old school and relatively new trails in sometimes oak woodland and other times conifer dominated forests with challenging climbing to an extended and varied descent and downtown Weaverville finish.
Created By
Brian Crane

Route and Elevation


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Fresh Greens and Garden Gulch2.47 mi259 ft1.6%
Garden Gulch climb0.92 mi177 ft3.4%
4 way junction up day ranch to campground cut off0.50 mi125 ft4.2%
Up Day Ranch Full1.08 mi233 ft4.1%
Don's Bypass (Misery Hill)0.79 mi256 ft6.1%
Reverse Jackass Ridge0.65 mi197 ft4.5%
Jack Ass Top to Blue0.68 mi-394 ft-10.9%
Blue Lead1.38 mi-512 ft-7.0%
Upper Blue0.86 mi-285 ft-6.3%
10 Cent Downhill0.67 mi-220 ft-6.2%
Fast N Flow1.07 mi-322 ft-5.5%
East Garden Gulch Downhill0.38 mi-115 ft-4.1%