To Mesa from the hood: hill repeats and back

Cycling Route

13.44 mi
832 ft
get to mesa
Created By
Christina E

Route and Elevation


NameDistanceElev. Diff.Avg. Grade
Jollyville Duval to Floral No Light issue0.62 mi-20 ft-0.6%
The Jolly Hustle - Hit 17+mph average and make the light0.42 mi20 ft0.6%
The Jollyville Uplift0.37 mi16 ft0.7%
Mesa Dr Sprint to Nelo's 0.83 mi23 ft0.2%
Jolly to Steck0.87 mi26 ft0.2%
Mesa - Downhill Edition0.71 mi-233 ft-6.2%
Mesa No Stop Sign issue0.65 mi295 ft8.5%
Mesa0.84 mi358 ft8.0%
Mesa - Storm water inlet to Cat Mountain Stop Sign0.74 mi312 ft7.9%
Austin Forest Products Parking Lot --> Edwards Mountain Drive0.52 mi223 ft8.1%
Mesa - office entrance to Cat Mountain0.61 mi236 ft7.3%
Mesa Climb0.65 mi236 ft6.8%
Mesa Lower Section - Up0.25 mi112 ft8.2%
Mesa- Cross Valley to Cat Mountain0.49 mi207 ft7.8%
Mesa - Lonesome Valley to Cat Mountain0.20 mi89 ft8.3%
Mesa Mash0.55 mi-39 ft-1.2%
Down-N-Out0.62 mi-164 ft-3.9%
Arboretum Blvd0.24 mi82 ft6.4%
360-Renaissance via Arboretum0.36 mi102 ft5.2%
Great Hills to Braker NB0.41 mi-13 ft0.0%
Braker Breakaway0.47 mi-36 ft-1.4%
Between the Lights BalcWoods To Duval0.67 mi26 ft0.5%