+ 131

Presidio Trail Run


5.43 英里
603 呎
Originally a Spanish military outpost in 1776, and more recently a U.S. Army post, the Presidio is now part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. It is a stunning place to experience nature within the confines of the city. It also happens to be one of the best places in the city to hit the trails and some challenging hills. This route is about half on single-track trail and half on paved sidewalks. You will wind your way through the cypress forests of the Presidio until you pop out along the coast and even run underneath the Golden Gate Bridge. Don't miss the amazing lookout points at Immigrant Point and Crissy Field Overlook. Running through the Presidio Main Post area, you will see that many of the historic military buildings are still standing and have been given new purpose as museums and businesses. Finish up the loop with a half-mile climb up Lovers' Lane. There are two public restrooms with drinking fountains along this route; you will find them at Julius Kahn Playground and Rob Hill Campground.
Han H



Into the Woods0.40 英里49 呎0.8%
Golf Course, Arguello to Park0.87 英里-66 呎-0.1%
Bay Area Ridge Trail1.37 英里75 呎0.2%
Whadayagot?0.11 英里33 呎5.6%
Around Rob Hill Campground0.52 英里33 呎0.2%
Coastal Trail downhill, Lincoln to Bridge0.51 英里-102 呎-3.5%
Lover's Lane: Lower Pitch0.19 英里85 呎8.1%
Lovers Lane Pain0.41 英里197 呎9.0%
Lover Lane Repeats0.15 英里69 呎8.1%
Julius Kahn Climb0.33 英里98 呎5.6%
Julius Kahn Climb0.24 英里85 呎6.8%
Julius Park Spring in Reverse0.17 英里62 呎6.7%