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Boulder Ironman 70.3


50,67 mi
1.916 ft
Trial route for the Boulder 70.3 Iron Man. Different starting location.
Gemaakt door
Nathan Greeney

Route en hoogte


NaamAfstandHoogteverschilGem. Helling
63rd Sprint - Coot Lake Parking lot to Driveway0,70 mi-56 ft-0,1%
63rd sprint0,30 mi-23 ft-0,7%
Diagonal (63rd to Jay)2,21 mi108 ft0,8%
Jay Rd (Diagonal to Hwy 36/28th)1,27 mi102 ft1,5%
Jay-36 to Atlas2,65 mi272 ft1,9%
47th to Nelson7,86 mi331 ft0,8%
28th Jay to the Legion1,02 mi115 ft2,1%
Highway 36 Grinder - Jay to Lee Hill1,12 mi115 ft1,9%
The Schlog (Jay Road To Atlas Flooring)1,34 mi167 ft2,3%
Broadway and 36 to Longhorn Rd. and 361,03 mi-72 ft-1,1%
36 to St. Vrain7,88 mi217 ft0,1%
Club Mod TT North5,48 mi184 ft0,3%
North Broadway to Hwy 6610,65 mi-390 ft-0,3%
36 Broadway to Hygiene Rd9,10 mi-266 ft-0,3%
NoBo to GreenBriar4,63 mi118 ft0,1%
Foothills flats0,73 mi7 ft0,2%
neva rd to hygiene rd6,51 mi-236 ft-0,2%
Haystack TT Sector 12,42 mi89 ft0,7%
Haystack north segment2,42 mi102 ft0,7%
US36 - Lefthand to Lyons5,92 mi-423 ft-1,0%
Left Hand to Hygiene Road4,35 mi-210 ft-0,5%
Speed Bump1,29 mi56 ft0,5%
Hwy 36 - Nelson to St. Vrain2,33 mi-108 ft-0,5%
St Vrain to 662,84 mi-285 ft-1,9%
36/66 to 75th3,84 mi-121 ft-0,5%
Highway 66 - 36 to 75th3,83 mi-98 ft-0,5%
Get your kicks3,51 mi-98 ft-0,5%
Better stupid7,39 mi-164 ft-0,0%
North 75th (Hwy 66 to Top Turn)1,98 mi118 ft1,1%
N 83rd to Wagonwheel2,74 mi-115 ft-0,2%
Knoth res climb0,39 mi10 ft0,2%
Corkscrew Northbound0,57 mi-82 ft-2,1%
Little Thompson bump0,26 mi30 ft1,1%
Braaap Bars0,75 mi-43 ft-0,0%
Braaap Climb0,36 mi56 ft2,9%
Three Hills 2,00 mi154 ft1,1%
Three Hills CR 211,85 mi141 ft1,1%
Woodland to 661,98 mi-56 ft-0,4%
Breakwater to breakwater II0,29 mi-10 ft-0,6%
Breakwater to Breakwater0,22 mi-7 ft-0,4%
75th St2,56 mi-26 ft-0,1%
Nelson-CloverBasin0,99 mi-26 ft-0,3%
75th/73rd - Nelson to Niwot3,46 mi62 ft0,2%
Haystack south segment3,48 mi75 ft0,2%
75th - Nelson to Niwot3,46 mi72 ft0,2%
Haystack TT Sector 33,46 mi69 ft0,1%
bump plateau selection0,91 mi59 ft1,2%
Wheee0,26 mi-49 ft-3,6%
Boulder Group Ride, Final K0,56 mi20 ft0,6%
Niwot-73rd to 63rd1,22 mi59 ft0,9%