Shingletown Shuffle - 75 Classic Rides Northern California #45


35,29 mi
3.792 ft
Page: 194
Area: Central Valley
Difficulty: Challenging
Time: 2.5 to 4 Hours
Best Seasons: Spring and fall
Road Conditions: Some highway miles may be busy, but most roads are low traffic and bike friendly. All are well paved
Gemaakt door
🌲 Forrest B

Route en hoogte


NaamAfstandHoogteverschilGem. Helling
Wilson Hill Rd Bottom to Top4,47 mi1.585 ft6,7%
Wilson Hill Rd Climb2,62 mi1.119 ft8,1%
Wilson Hill, the painfest part2,11 mi981 ft8,8%
Wilson Hill Rd Climb1,05 mi397 ft7,1%
Inwood from Ponderosa to Highway 444,81 mi-476 ft-1,8%
Black Butte Rd Hwy44-Wildcat Southbound3,39 mi358 ft0,2%
Black Butte Rd Southbound from Highway 44 to Wildcat to Manton Rd8,93 mi-1.122 ft-1,8%
Manton Grinder6,55 mi974 ft2,8%