Lake Okeechobee Century/Double Metric Century

Ruta ciclista

111,87 mi
635 ft
Planned route for Lake Okeechobee winter get away @ The Parental Units Florida get away.
Creada por
DJ Wright 🚴

Ruta y desnivel


NombreDistanciaDiferencia de desnivelPendiente media
Getting LOST Miami Canal to Clewiston Canal8,22 mi7 ft0,0 %
Nirvana6,14 mi-7 ft-0,0 %
78 Jam Session16,78 mi-30 ft-0,0 %
99th DR to Taylor Creek5,26 mi-23 ft0,0 %
Port Mayaca Bridge Climb SB0,90 mi43 ft0,1 %
Dawn Patrol Col de Pahokee WaterTower0,07 mi20 ft4,6 %