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Route for 10/03/16


23.16 英里
1,569 呎
Right-side crosswinds up to Chesterfield, left-siders on the way back. Headwind on final stretch with 10-15% gradient at Chuch Hill.
Kevin B



Curry Run To Strawberry Bank0.53 英里75 呎2.7%
Strawberry Bank - Downhill Past Woodend0.38 英里-82 呎-1.9%
Strawberry bank to Newtonwood Lane0.55 英里82 呎0.1%
Tibshelf to Holmewood3.09 英里-125 呎-0.6%
Tibshelf to Mansfield road3.61 英里-174 呎-0.8%
Tibshelf road short section1.58 英里-95 呎-1.0%
Holmewood to Testing Station0.96 英里-49 呎-1.0%
Testing centre to trail0.83 英里-138 呎-2.8%
Temple to tyres official 1.89 英里-144 呎-0.9%
Corbriggs To Hasland Section2.10 英里-144 呎-1.0%
Downhill Flyer0.27 英里-66 呎-4.6%
Right Hand Flange To Mot0.38 英里36 呎1.3%
last bit before the end!0.78 英里56 呎1.3%
Hasland Hog0.31 英里56 呎3.5%
Hasland Road Descent0.47 英里-46 呎-1.8%
Derby Road Slog4.42 英里236 呎1.0%
STF Lane Rise1.37 英里115 呎1.5%
stf lane to 4le tup2.03 英里105 呎0.6%
Storforth to Mill Lane1.35 英里115 呎1.5%
Derby Road To Queen Vic0.46 英里46 呎1.0%
Tupton small Climb0.57 英里85 呎2.8%
royal oak rumble!0.52 英里85 呎3.1%
DR rab - rab0.49 英里75 呎2.9%
Derby rd MG10.51 英里69 呎0.2%
royal oak to clay cross thrash!0.92 英里72 呎0.4%
Claycross traffic lights to Higham turn off2.58 英里95 呎0.4%
Pilsley Rd to Stretton Morton turn thrash1.30 英里59 呎0.6%
Cross To Stretton Top2.08 英里95 呎0.9%
clay lane to morton turn1.25 英里75 呎0.9%
Clay Lane to Higham2.23 英里92 呎0.7%
Higham Sprint 30mph Sorry Guv.....0.56 英里-85 呎-1.8%
Heads down bottoms up!0.51 英里-115 呎-4.3%
Chesterfield road to park lane0.83 英里-16 呎-0.0%
Chesterfield road to Primrose hill1.91 英里112 呎0.7%
Chesterfield road to Tibshelf lane1.19 英里46 呎0.6%
Park lane to Tibshelf road0.42 英里36 呎1.4%
Westhouses Hill0.62 英里98 呎3.0%
Blackwell Hill0.71 英里85 呎1.6%
Blackwell Blast0.63 英里66 呎1.2%
Westhouses Hill - The final assault - Bridge to top0.19 英里49 呎4.9%
Up and down Blackwell Hill0.39 英里49 呎1.2%
Sprintage0.21 英里-39 呎-3.4%
Church Hill0.27 英里121 呎8.4%
The Trooper0.15 英里30 呎3.7%
Blackwell Road climb to Common Road0.57 英里157 呎5.2%
HuthHill0.45 英里118 呎5.0%
Blackwell rd Climb0.47 英里135 呎5.4%