Questo mese
+ 7

Crawlyside from Browney

Percorso di ciclismo

48,99 mi
3.818 ft
Training ride in Durham - a few hills :o)
Creato da
Perry M

Percorso e dislivello


NomeDistanzaDifferenza dislivelloPendenza media
Brandon Docs to Brancepeth1,33 mi-39 ft-0,1%
A690 Brandon to Willington dash3,03 mi-92 ft-0,4%
Down up down up sprint reverse0,60 mi43 ft0,9%
Back in time1,47 mi-108 ft-0,8%
Out of Willington2,24 mi351 ft3,0%
Front St Climb0,95 mi262 ft5,3%
A689 Climb1,16 mi272 ft4,4%
A689 Crook to Wolsingham5,53 mi-377 ft-0,2%
A689 Climb1,17 mi289 ft4,7%
little stretch0,58 mi128 ft4,1%
It's all downhill from here1,81 mi-377 ft-3,9%
Over the roundabout3,67 mi-276 ft-1,1%
A68 to Stanhope9,63 mi305 ft0,0%
All the way to Stanhope8,01 mi272 ft0,5%
Wolsingham to Meadows Edge8,68 mi1.030 ft2,2%
causeway to crawleyside7,91 mi961 ft2,2%
C2C KOM 5 Stanhope2,59 mi771 ft5,6%
Crawleyside Foot to Cattle Grid0,89 mi436 ft9,2%
Crawleyside Bank 230m Incline 1,91 mi758 ft7,4%
Crawleyside Full Climb --------------- RVCC ☼☺☼2,79 mi876 ft6,0%
Crawleyside Climb1,93 mi748 ft7,3%
All the way2,80 mi860 ft5,8%
Crawleyside (with correct data!)2,85 mi850 ft5,6%
c2c climb out of stanhope to moor top OCC flyers2,17 mi643 ft5,4%
Waskerly to the Moorcock4,06 mi-449 ft-2,0%
Speedy Descent0,57 mi-13 ft-0,1%
Waskerly Dash2,98 mi-404 ft-2,6%
no prisoners taken4,84 mi-774 ft-2,8%
Waskerely Leg Opener1,24 mi-171 ft-2,6%
Smiddy Shaw Burn Up2,65 mi-466 ft-3,3%
The Cattlegrid Slammer0,80 mi-318 ft-7,5%
Healeyfield Lane0,65 mi144 ft3,8%
Healyfield Lane up onto A681,97 mi164 ft1,6%
Longedge lane2,90 mi-157 ft-0,6%
Whitehall 1,09 mi72 ft1,2%
Longedge Lane - Highhouse Ln to Humberhill Ln2,57 mi-299 ft-2,2%
Longedge Ln Climb0,21 mi-46 ft-4,0%
The longer Satley climb1,77 mi341 ft3,4%
All the way through Satley to A683,48 mi515 ft2,8%
Satley0,92 mi66 ft1,1%
Pond Wood to the Brown Horse1,54 mi177 ft2,1%
high stoooop plunge..0,96 mi-292 ft-4,9%
Keep it up!!0,61 mi128 ft2,1%
The final push1,08 mi325 ft5,7%
Climb from Ironworks Rd Jct to the A680,30 mi112 ft7,0%
North Lane All The Way2,08 mi-128 ft-1,1%
North Lane Drag (Stanley Crook)0,61 mi89 ft2,3%
Stanley Crook to Oakenshaw Turn0,59 mi-102 ft-3,2%
oakenshaw descent2,78 mi-436 ft-3,0%
Eyeballs out!1,11 mi-253 ft-4,3%