Afgelopen twee weken
Afgelopen twee weken

Hornchurch to Chlemsford


23,37 mi
1.071 ft
Cycle to Work
Gemaakt door
Anton Nortje

Route en hoogte


NaamAfstandHoogteverschilGem. Helling
Hornchurch Rd uphill sprint0,34 mi39 ft2,1%
Green4go0,22 mi30 ft2,5%
Sainsburys to the College1,23 mi26 ft0,3%
Sainsburys to A1271,68 mi30 ft0,3%
Butts Green Rd Sprint0,65 mi-16 ft-0,1%
Squirrels Heath sprint from the lights0,26 mi16 ft1,0%
Harold wood Station Run.0,20 mi3 ft0,1%
Brook Street Climb1,06 mi167 ft2,9%
Brentwood climb1,07 mi184 ft3,2%
Climb Home London Rd / HIgh St0,78 mi148 ft3,6%
London Rd uphill0,38 mi105 ft5,2%
OLD VERSION - Climb Home London Rd / HIgh St0,26 mi52 ft3,6%
Brentwood Cobbles 0,24 mi20 ft1,5%
Escape from TOWIE2,40 mi-171 ft-1,2%
Escape from TOWIE2,20 mi-171 ft-1,3%
nuffield to the lights downhill0,66 mi-69 ft-2,0%
GD to A121,51 mi-89 ft-1,0%
Chelmsford Rd Downhill Sprint [Clean]1,41 mi-95 ft-1,1%
Shenfield-Margaretting5,55 mi-92 ft-0,1%
Rose Pub to Mountnessing1,32 mi-39 ft-0,5%
Rose to George & Dragon1,47 mi43 ft0,1%
Windmill DriveBy2,43 mi62 ft0,2%
George & Dragon uphill0,59 mi66 ft2,1%
mountnessing to ingatestone1,55 mi-52 ft-0,3%
Trueloves to crossroads1,03 mi26 ft0,1%
trueloves to furlongs 0,68 mi30 ft0,5%
B1002 dash2,73 mi-92 ft-0,1%
Pub to Pub Sprint - The Bell to The Red Lion1,54 mi-79 ft-0,7%
Stock Lane to Maldon Road Dash1,82 mi-89 ft-0,5%
Stock lane to Red Lion1,44 mi-85 ft-1,0%
25- 30 mph avge , should be possible ! 1,14 mi-72 ft-1,1%
Red Lion little hill0,25 mi43 ft2,9%
OLD VERSION - parsonage lane to galleywood cross roads2,21 mi161 ft1,0%
Bridge to bridge0,69 mi-33 ft-0,6%
Not up the Swany.1,13 mi161 ft2,7%
Margeretting Road0,65 mi131 ft3,7%
Up and away1,53 mi135 ft0,3%
London Hill (the steep bit from field entrance to stables nursery sign)0,46 mi112 ft4,6%
London Hill - Upwards0,34 mi92 ft5,1%
Margaretting Road Mountain0,30 mi102 ft6,4%
Eagle to White Horse2,10 mi-161 ft-1,4%
Eagle to Bear sprint0,24 mi-36 ft-2,9%
Watchouse downhill (finish @pipers)0,47 mi-49 ft-2,0%
Galleywood Road0,66 mi-39 ft-1,0%
Galleywood road (safer finish)0,60 mi-36 ft-1,1%
Baddow Berg North0,24 mi23 ft1,6%
Dash to Poo Alley0,46 mi-16 ft-0,3%
Grapefruits across the bridge0,11 mi-7 ft-0,8%
0,13 mi16 ft2,4%
Final sprint0,11 mi10 ft1,9%