Último mes
+ 70

Bawdsey Circular

Ruta ciclística

37.17 mi
1,327 ft
Circular route from West End Road via the old A45 (A14) to Felixstowe, using the Felixstowe Foot/ Cycle Ferry to cross over the Deben Estuary to Bawdsey, and then return to Ipswich via Woodbridge and Playford Road.
Creada por
Andrew Brown The FLOHB

Ruta y desnivel


NombreDistanciaDiferencia de altitudPendiente media
Down Town.0.52 mi-7 ft-0.0 %
waterfront dash to ?0.40 mi16 ft0.3 %
Ipswich Waterfront0.34 mi7 ft0.0 %
Sprint off the Bend0.24 mi-16 ft-0.9 %
Landseer Charge.0.94 mi102 ft1.9 %
Landseer Road Climb0.65 mi95 ft2.3 %
Nacton Road Rush0.73 mi-16 ft-0.2 %
Ransomes Way Dash0.39 mi-23 ft-1.0 %
Escape from Sainsbury's1.36 mi-36 ft-0.2 %
Ipswich to Felixstowe, Good Average Boy!7.11 mi-69 ft-0.1 %
Sprint to the Pub0.61 mi-30 ft-0.9 %
Warren Heath to Felixstowe ferry. 8.65 mi-95 ft-0.2 %
Ipswich to Felixstowe Drift1.95 mi-23 ft-0.1 %
flat and fast1.84 mi-23 ft-0.1 %
COME ON THEN!!!!0.21 mi-13 ft-0.7 %
Goslings Gush0.66 mi10 ft0.2 %
Trimley High Road Drag1.46 mi-30 ft-0.0 %
tracys haul to work0.63 mi20 ft0.3 %
Church Rd to Ferry TT1.83 mi-66 ft-0.6 %
Church Rd to Ferry TT1.83 mi-66 ft-0.6 %
Ferry RD Return0.83 mi-66 ft-0.5 %
Sutton Hoo or Bust6.60 mi102 ft0.1 %
Alderton - Shottisham TT2.66 mi-59 ft-0.1 %
Alderton to Melton roundabout6.37 mi95 ft0.2 %
Sutton Hoo descent0.82 mi-85 ft-2.0 %
The Full Sutton Hoo Descent1.03 mi-105 ft-1.8 %
Hold on tight0.39 mi-56 ft-2.6 %
Watch that Roundabout.0.64 mi-95 ft-2.7 %
0.64 mi-95 ft-2.7 %
Melton incoming0.76 mi-59 ft-0.7 %
Melton lights to lights0.78 mi39 ft0.0 %
Melton to Pytches Sprint0.62 mi36 ft0.3 %
Lights to Quay street zebra crossing0.44 mi-30 ft-1.1 %
(VG) Red Lion to Sandy Lane 1.07 mi85 ft1.1 %
Sandy Lane reverse climb0.13 mi39 ft4.9 %
Lions Tail to Bealings1.28 mi131 ft1.8 %
Bealings to Playford Dash3.69 mi112 ft0.5 %
Lowest, Highest.1.50 mi118 ft1.4 %
BealingsRedLionHillClimb0.40 mi95 ft4.5 %
Playford Road West2.50 mi39 ft0.2 %
Hall Rd to Humber Doucy2.25 mi-23 ft-0.0 %
Renfrew Sidegate0.34 mi-7 ft-0.2 %
Colchester Road dash0.50 mi13 ft0.4 %
Riding To Work In a Leotard1.24 mi26 ft0.0 %
Valley Road Descent1.48 mi-138 ft-1.6 %
Roundabout dash0.24 mi10 ft0.6 %
proper valley road descent0.66 mi-112 ft-3.2 %
Safe valley road descent. (No lights)0.47 mi-89 ft-3.6 %
Yarmouth Road Sprint0.34 mi-7 ft-0.3 %
West End Road Sprint0.40 mi10 ft0.2 %