Saturday fun


8,24 mi
674 ft
mix of road, trails, and river people
Gemaakt door
chris moore

Route en hoogte


NaamAfstandHoogteverschilGem. Helling
no more sneaking0,43 mi75 ft2,3%
Tylers Revenge0,09 mi7 ft1,1%
Hill to Fill 0,33 mi-56 ft-2,2%
dump run1,30 mi-105 ft-1,1%
Pine Grover Rover0,28 mi39 ft1,4%
To the RIVER!!!0,69 mi-89 ft-2,4%
Flow Country River Trail0,37 mi-7 ft-0,3%
Hannaford to Bridge0,82 mi-39 ft-0,9%
Bridge to Falmouth RD0,48 mi-43 ft-0,1%