Circle C Ranch Metro Park

Itinéraire de course à pied

3,34 mi
57 pi
The peaceful Circle C Ranch Metro Park in southwest Austin offers a few flat miles of crushed gravel trails that are much less crowded than the trails at Lady Bird Lake. Parking is also more plentiful and park admission is free. Although you likely will not find yourself alone here – there are several soccer fields, playgrounds and a disc golf course – you will still find tranquility in the wooded areas surrounding Slaughter Creek. If you want to make this route longer and you are feeling adventurous, there are plenty of unofficial trails branching east and west from the main park loop. The Circle C Ranch neighborhood is also a lovely area to run nearby. There is not a lot of shade on the trail itself, so you’ll want to avoid this route during the middle of the day.
Créée par
Strava Athlete

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