KMR 177 - 43 mile route to Kirkpatrick Durham, Red Kite Centre, Loch Ken Marshes


43,13 mi
2.061 ft
Take food, no cafe's on route
Gemaakt door
Robert Rostock

Route en hoogte


NaamAfstandHoogteverschilGem. Helling
Shawhead Crocketford3,87 mi180 ft0,3%
Meadowhead Cottages Climb0,32 mi292 ft17,2%
Dash for home1,78 mi-85 ft-0,5%
KPD to Old Bridge of Urr1,65 mi-230 ft-2,4%
Old Bridge of Urr to SWSCP Race finish line1,25 mi184 ft2,1%
Bridge of Urr climb to Clarebrand1,33 mi210 ft2,9%
Clarebrand to X-Roads0,50 mi-59 ft-2,3%
Byways to Greenlaw1,76 mi-115 ft-1,1%
Greenlaw to Glenlochar0,68 mi-16 ft-0,3%
Greenlaw to Laureston3,94 mi121 ft0,2%
Glenlochar to Laurieston3,22 mi121 ft0,3%
Craig1,03 mi92 ft1,7%
Glenlochar to Greenlaw0,67 mi16 ft0,3%
A713 to B794 climb2,00 mi344 ft3,2%
Knockvennie descent1,94 mi-292 ft-2,8%
Kilquhanity Climb0,79 mi187 ft4,5%
B794 Climb inc Kilquhanity1,34 mi207 ft2,9%
B794 to Kirkpatrick Durham Climb1,43 mi207 ft2,3%
KPD Llamas to Boglebridge1,72 mi66 ft0,3%
Brooklands climb0,77 mi75 ft1,7%
Downhill to Crocketford 300,76 mi-108 ft-2,7%
crocketford shawhead3,80 mi-177 ft-0,3%
The white house0,70 mi-46 ft-0,5%