CRIMPS "OTR" Intervals - 18-May-17

Ruta ciclística

19.25 km
145 m
Warm-up heading East on Arkell, trough Eden Mills and to Hume Rd.

We will do reps East and West on Hume Rd.

Short Cool-down back to the Bike Shed
Creada por
Kyle Boorsma

Ruta y desnivel


NombreDistanciaDiferencia de altitudPendiente media
Arkell Rd - Watson Rd to First Line3.70 km17 m0.3 %
Eden Mills Tempo7.15 km-38 m-0.2 %
Lil 29N0.20 km6 m2.5 %
28 Side1.29 km-12 m-0.1 %
Hume Road West2.32 km23 m0.6 %