West Reading Twilight Criterium Course for Reading Radsport Festival


0.84 英里
36 呎
A short, fast-paced criterium course through thriving West Reading with all of its great eateries and shops. The counter-clockwise direction of the race will add a large element of difficulty and racer fatigue due to multiple gigh-speed laps and the fact that racers have to mash up a slight incline on the backstretch as well as on the front stretch to hit the line. The only place racers get a slight break with a bit of downhill occurs in two areas that it's hard to take advantage of the easier, albiet faster riding pace of a downhill. The two downsloping sections of the course occur past the start/finish line on Penn Avenue just as the course slows down riders to negotiate a more than 90 degree trun toward the traffic circle where ther begin to climb again, and the second downhill occurs at the other end of the backstretch as riders prepare to gear down to get around the two 90 degree turns onto 8th Avenue where they then get sent back uphill toward the finish line. In short, the donwhill sections provide little relief and in fact create two hazards. It will be a tacticians race for sure.
Schneeberg W
