Priory Lane to Roehampton Gate

Ride Segment London, Carchar Wandsworth, United Kingdom
  • Distance1.39km
  • Elevation Gain8m
  • Avg Grade-0.3%
  • Lowest Elev11m
  • Highest Elev21m
  • Elev Difference10m
  • 2,043,983 Attempts By 82,958 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Jimenez v 1:46
2 Kristian House 1:47
2 Myn Van Der Merwe W 1:47
4 Chris S 1:49
4 David H 1:49
4 Grant M 1:49
4 James H 1:49
4 Max B 1:49
9 Lloyd C 1:50
9 Richard Mond 1:50
9 Daniel Simmonds 1:50

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