Flon - Pont de Crest Voland

Ride Segment Ugine, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
  • Distance0.32km
  • Elevation Gain9m
  • Avg Grade-5.0%
  • Lowest Elev790m
  • Highest Elev806m
  • Elev Difference16m
  • 16,368 Attempts By 8,667 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Lloyd O 15s
2 Michel Persoud 16s
2 Clément DIDIER 16s
2 Sophie Michon 16s
2 Ole Schönholz 16s
6 Ma Tthieu 17s
6 julien piette 17s
6 Lennert Van Eetvelt 17s
6 Maxime U 17s
6 Maximilien Juillard 17s
6 Jolibert C 17s
6 Kevin Vauquelin 17s
6 Roland Thalmann 17s
6 Tao [Le Bon Wagon🚂] Quemere 17s
6 Ramses Debruyne 17s
6 Richard Huera 17s
6 Jocelyn G 17s
6 Arthur Blanc 17s
6 Aurélien Doléatto 17s
6 Loic M 17s
6 Alexander Kolobnev 17s
6 Gregory Porret 17s

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