Faux plat de merey

Ride Segment Merey, Normandie, France
  • Distance0.41km
  • Elevation Gain4m
  • Avg Grade1.1%
  • Lowest Elev78m
  • Highest Elev82m
  • Elev Difference4m
  • 14,682 Attempts By 2,626 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Edouard L 28s
2 Arnaud Merlinat 29s
2 Vini P 29s
4 Thibault L 32s
4 Matteo G 32s
4 Jonathan L 32s
7 Gee AimeVie 33s
7 Mathis P 33s
7 stan le croller 33s
10 Christophe Egasse 34s
10 Judicaël M 34s
10 thomas rolo 34s
10 Thomas Rolo 34s
10 Christophe H 34s
10 Hubert MARLANGUE 34s
10 Mathis Adam 34s
10 Esteban 🦏 Foucher 34s
10 Goulven Guérin-Dauget 34s
10 Thomas B 34s
10 Mathieu Renaudin 34s
10 Benjy C 34s
10 Romain Beaune 34s

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