Desafio Ciclismo Cartel Laranjinha Reta entre Alphaville e Santa Izabel

Ride Segment São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Distance0.98km
  • Elevation Gain6m
  • Avg Grade0.5%
  • Lowest Elev572m
  • Highest Elev578m
  • Elev Difference6m
  • 765,797 Attempts By 17,482 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Luis Fernando Vicente Lopes 55s
2 Luiz Filipe Flore Lima 57s
3 Gabriel Andrade 59s
5 Carlos Reis MARANGA TEAM 1:01
5 Almir Carvalho Leite 1:01
5 Cesar Fernandes 1:01
8 Luiz D 1:02
8 Rafael E 1:02
10 Flavio Vidal | TATUX 1:03
10 Caio Benedetti 1:03
10 Antonio Carlos Manzano 1:03

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