it's a chopper baby

Ride Segment Lörrach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
  • Distance0.44km
  • Elevation Gain0m
  • Avg Grade-0.3%
  • Lowest Elev270m
  • Highest Elev272m
  • Elev Difference2m
  • 79,946 Attempts By 6,848 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 thomas wollseifen 29s
1 Oscar Lohrmann 29s
3 Roland - 30s
4 Max B 31s
4 Klaus E 31s
6 Chris Reichmann 32s
6 Giulio Romagnoli | KGB 32s
8 Frank Bevilacqua 33s
8 Canyon L 33s
8 Slowly H 33s
8 Robert Böhme 33s
8 Reto | Voyage Cycling Store | VCC-RT 33s
8 Hinrich M 33s
8 René K 33s

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