Ormoy la rivière - St Fiacre

Ride Segment Ormoy-la-Rivière, Île-de-France, France
  • Distance10.62km
  • Elevation Gain71m
  • Avg Grade0.0%
  • Lowest Elev90m
  • Highest Elev105m
  • Elev Difference15m
  • 4,424 Attempts By 1,032 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Hervé Béguinot 16:36
2 James S 17:04
3 Mathieu H 17:08
4 Nicolas D 17:27
5 Christian boucharin 17:34
5 Vivien Strudel 17:34
7 Pierre Aeschlimann 17:42
8 Nicolas C 17:44
9 Aubin Fouchet 17:46
10 Remi Marcoux 17:47
10 thomas Balabaud - TEAM OUTDOOR POLI 17:47
10 Baptiste Verdier USRO 🔵 🇫🇷 17:47

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