Formigueiro (DH Esquerda-Esquerda)

Ride Segment Colares, Portugal, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Distance0.42km
  • Elevation Gain0m
  • Avg Grade-16.7%
  • Lowest Elev383m
  • Highest Elev453m
  • Elev Difference70m
  • 15,343 Attempts By 1,998 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Duarte M 1:00
2 João Z 1:02
2 Andre Diogo [] 1:02
2 Nuno Z 1:02
5 Ângelo F 1:03
6 João Mourão 1:04
6 Ricardo Ferreira 1:04
8 Ricardo V 1:05
8 Nuno Vicente 1:05
10 Nuno A 1:06
10 Daniel Pinto (The BIKE Shop) 1:06
10 Joaquim Tinoco 1:06
10 João Chambel 1:06
10 Zé Manel Borges 1:06

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