Bajada cemento - Arco

Ride Segment Peníscola, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain
  • Distance0.57km
  • Elevation Gain10m
  • Avg Grade-0.2%
  • Lowest Elev39m
  • Highest Elev51m
  • Elev Difference11m
  • 43,757 Attempts By 7,632 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 MarraPoel . 1:00
2 Carlos M 1:01
2 Carlos Lleixa 1:01
4 Adrian B 1:03
5 Javi P 1:04
6 Victor Celma 1:05
6 Sergio PITARCH SANTOS 1:05
8 Jorge M 1:06
8 DANI R 1:06
10 David Montourcy 1:07
10 Ximo Martorell 1:07
10 Alexis V 1:07
10 Juanjo Vidal 1:07
10 D. RODA 1:07
10 José Julián B 1:07

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