Lil Rattler

Ride Segment Whittier, California
  • Distance0.77km
  • Elevation Gain13m
  • Avg Grade0.9%
  • Lowest Elev314m
  • Highest Elev323m
  • Elev Difference10m
  • 14,689 Attempts By 1,828 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Twotimes Twotimes 1:20
2 MILFBIKECO / GLK Cycling 1:21
3 James S 1:22
4 Jerry V 1:24
5 George Mota -RZ-Racing 1:27
6 Ramiro Guzman 1:30
7 Divebaum _ 1:32
8 Scotty Rock 1:33
9 Danny V 1:34
10 Jeff C ⛰🍺🤘 1:35
10 Mustang Mikey - The Cyclery Bike Shop/ The Hillslayers 1:35
10 Jason Luong 1:35
10 Ant R 1:35

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