Sendero aserradero a cascada *AA*

Ride Segment La Pradera de Navalhorno, Castilla y León, Spain
  • Distance0.56km
  • Elevation Gain10m
  • Avg Grade2.1%
  • Lowest Elev1,225m
  • Highest Elev1,236m
  • Elev Difference12m
  • 4,748 Attempts By 253 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Andres V 1:01
2 Rubén A 1:03
3 ALBERTO G 1:05
4 Raúl Cruz RCR19.ES 🐗💓 1:06
4 Noel Martin 1:06
6 Alberto A 1:07
7 Pablo Sanz Rueda 1:09
8 Ernesto C 1:10
8 Jesus Martín 1:10
10 Sergio G 1:11
10 Cristian Villalba [Team SINLIMI-T] 1:11
10 Alex 🚲 1:11
10 Mario A 1:11
10 Pelayo H 1:11

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