The 0.5 Mile Sprint from the 'Roundabout' to the 'Traffic Island'

Ride Segment Timperley, England, United Kingdom
  • Distance0.81km
  • Elevation Gain3m
  • Avg Grade-0.9%
  • Lowest Elev37m
  • Highest Elev45m
  • Elev Difference8m
  • 131,614 Attempts By 13,754 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Hedley pollard 42s
2 Nick Phillips 48s
3 Tommy M 50s
3 Alex Brown 50s
5 Bede C 52s
6 David C 57s
6 Benny P 57s
8 chorlton w 59s
9 Andy H 1:01
10 Steve Grundy 1:03
10 Liam Marrett 1:03
10 George Safranauskas 1:03
10 Paul B 1:03

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