Discesa da Monte Sant'angelo a Mattinata

Ride Segment Province of Foggia, Italy, Apulia, Italy
  • Distance17.67km
  • Elevation Gain0m
  • Avg Grade-3.9%
  • Lowest Elev54m
  • Highest Elev746m
  • Elev Difference692m
  • 3,532 Attempts By 1,044 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Albert Torres 18:04
2 Simone Consonni 18:06
3 Paweł Poljański 18:09
3 Jhonatan Restrepo! 🤪 18:09
3 Picasso D 18:09
6 Martijn Tusveld 18:10
6 Francesco R 18:10
8 Ville . 18:11
8 Pieter Serry 18:11
8 Eros Capecchi 18:11
8 Alessandro B 18:11
8 Julien Bernard 18:11
8 Mattia Bais 18:11
8 Koen Bouwman 18:11
8 Filippo Ganna 18:11
8 Harm V 18:11
8 Giovanni Carboni 18:11

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